Second Week - Pre Beta

Kristophergeou 1 janv. 2024 01:48 1224

Changelogs of the day (1-1-2024):

🟢Added | 🟠Adjusted |🔴 Removed

🔴- Old Lottery Plugin
🟢- New Lottery Plugin

🟢- Now almost all entities (95%) drop souls
🟠- Fixed a color issue inside the island mastery gui
🔴- Removed the “Tools” Category from the Forge
🟠- Started Importing the “Tools” Category inside the armory  

Changelogs of the day (2-1-2024):

🟠- Reworked the Queue in the forge
🟢- Added Stone Tools (Armory > Stone Equipment )
🟠- Now access to the queue slots in the forge is done only by the main menu
🟢- New Interaction with the Anvil (Opens the forge)
🔴- Advancements in chat
🔴- Advancements in discord channel

Changelogs of the day (3-1-2024):

🟢- Default Ore Generator to the islands with all the common ores
🟢- Complete armor/tool set of mythril in the forge
🔴- Inventory Crafting
🔴- Island Fall Damage

Changelogs of the day (4-1-2024):
‎🟢- New Tutorial Quests 
🟠- The tutorial can now fully finish

1 janv. 2024 01:48
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